How to Change Empty Ink Cartridges for Your Printer

You may be surprised to learn that not all people know how to change ink cartridges on a printer. No matter whether the printer is at home or at work, many people fear touching or “meddling” with printers to change empty ink cartridges.

This guide covers many printer manufacturers and models. The process may differ for your printer. You don’t have to worry if your inks run out. There are plenty of resources online that can help you.

Purchase your inks.

First, you need to purchase your cartridges for re-installation inside your printer. You can either purchase new cartridges or have the cartridges filled by a specialist. It’s important to mention that compatible cartridges can be purchased new and can be refilled.

You must ensure that you purchase the right cartridges for your printer. You can find the model number of your printer to ensure you get the correct cartridges. Each cartridge also has a model number that can be used to find replacements.

Remove your old ink cartridges.

Your printer will stop printing if your ink runs out. It will inform you that it needs to change the cartridge in order to continue printing. The cartridges are kept in a container or cradle by the printer.

You will need to ensure that your printer’s cradle is in a place where you can access the cartridges in order to replace them. The printer will move the cradle automatically if you lift or drop the front panel of the printer. Or, you might have to click a button on your computer screen to change the position of the printer’s tray. The printer may have a button that can be used to move or reposition the cradle.

After the cradle has been ‘docked’, or parked you can remove cartridges by pulling out the cartridge or pressing the holding clip located on the top of each cartridge. This can vary from cartridge-to-cartridge.

Inserting the new ink cartridges

Plastic tape seals will be attached to new and remanufactured cartridges. Before the cartridge can go in the printer, they must be removed. You can find the seals over the printhead (where the ink comes from the cartridge) or on the top of the cartridge. These seals allow ink to flow freely and are used to cover the air hole. Tapes come in a variety of colours, including yellow and white. Instructions are included with most cartridges so that you can replace them in your printer.

Once the tape is removed you can place the cartridges in the designated slots on the printer’s stand. The cartridge should click into position. The printer will detect that a new cartridge is installed once the panel or lid has been closed. This is often referred to simply as “charging”.

If your printer fails to recognise the cartridge, you can remove it from the printer and re-fit. You should not mix compatible ink cartridges and original ink cartridges when using compatible ink.

To ensure ink flows properly from the cartridges, you should print a nozzle inspection once the printer has been set up. To ensure that your ink cartridges print properly, you may need to run the cleaning program of your printer.

You can print your photos and documents. Remember that the internet is full of great information and resources. You can also refer to your printer’s manual, or the manufacturer’s support website if you need more information.

Source: Anthony R Jones