Caring And Maintaining A 3D Printer – What To Do

Although 3D printers have revolutionized the production process in almost every industry, they can still be damaged or jammed. You don’t want a printer that doesn’t work as it should. You can reduce jams and other problems that could hinder your ability to produce your desired models by giving your printer regular maintenance. Here are some ways to keep your printer in tip-top shape.

1. Clean the buildplate

To prevent print warping during 3D printing, glue is usually used. Because of its irregular surface, glue can attract foreign particles or molten plastic and interfere with the prints. After each print, you should make it a habit of wiping down the plate with warm water. To do this, you can dip a clean cloth into warm water and wipe the plate gently.

2. Select the right filament to suit your project

Printing problems in 3D can be caused by filament placement. You should therefore choose the right filament and take care of it. Unwind the spool before loading the material to inspect for knots or kinks that could lead to jams. For smooth printing every time, it is recommended that you use the filament recommended for your printer.

3. Keep the X- and Y-axes lubricated

During the printing process, the axis is constantly moving. The axis moves along the printer head. As dust accumulates on the rods, the lubrication becomes less effective. This makes the axis more stiff and reduces performance. Make sure to clean the rods of dust and oil the lubricant. This will ensure smooth motion throughout. To verify that the lubrication is correct before you print, you can manually move it. You should also lubricate the Z axis with grease or a solid lubricant in order to keep it lubricated.

4. Always ensure that the firmware is up to date

This is especially important for businesses that depend on 3D printing. Firmware updates are essential to ensure you have the latest software, printing features, and can produce high-quality productions every time. For updates and announcements, you can always check the manufacturer’s website. WIFI-enabled printers will allow you to automatically download and install updates on a cloud basis.

5. Make sure to keep the extruder clean

This is the area where the filament passes through during printing. It is possible for material wear to leave particles on the rollers. These sticky messes can cause problems with extrusions and change the geometry of the rollers. It is essential to clean the extruder and rollers. To make sure that your extruder is functioning smoothly and producing the quality prints you expect, you can use a toothbrush.

6. Tighten pulley screws

They can be loosened by vibrations caused by continuous motions on the X and Y axis. They can cause misalignment and lower quality. It is important to make sure they stay tight.

Source by Satvik Das