America Makes and ANSI publish standardisation roadmap for “Additive Manufacturing Version 3.0”

America Makes Then, there is the American National Standards Institute The Standardisation Roadmap For Additive Manufacturing Version 3.0 has been published by (ANSI), developed by the America Makes ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardisation Collaborative.

The roadmap describes the “current and desired” future standardisation landscape for 3D printing, and focuses on industrial market sectors using AM technologies. There are 141 standardisation gap, 60 of which are new, identified across the 3D-printing lifecycle. These gaps include: design, precursor material, process control and post-processing; finished materials properties; certification and qualification; nondestructive evaluation, maintenance and repairs; and data.

America Makes, ANSI and other users hope that the roadmap will be widely adopted to help facilitate a coordinated approach in the future development standards for additive manufacturing.

AMSC, a cross-sectoral coordinating group, works to speed up the development of additive manufacturing standards to meet stakeholder needs and facilitate growth in industry. AMSC claims it was established in 2016 due to the involvement of several standards-developing organisations (SDOs), who were involved in developing standards for different aspects of 3D print. This led to a need for coordination in order for a standard set that was consistent, harmonised, non-contradictory and consistent.

The AMSC does not create standards or specifications.

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America Makes and ANSI says that approximately 300 individuals from 150 public and private sector organisations supported the roadmap’s development, including representatives of U.S. Federal government agencies and national laboratories, SDO’s industry, academia, and others.

The organisations say the document represents the culmination of the AMSC’s work since September 2022 to identify key safety, performance, and quality issues for 3D printing technologies, relevant published standards and those in development, as well as to assess gaps, a “gap” meaning a standard or specification that does not exist addressing the issue in question.

“The publication of the AMSC roadmap is a significant milestone, capturing the latest in standardisation activity affecting the additive manufacturing community,” said Brandon Ribic, Technology Director, America Makes. “The roadmap illustrates where progress has been made over the last five years but also where opportunities remain for standards and R&D to increase the use of AM technologies.”

Joe Bhatia, President and CEO of ANSI added: “ANSI extends hearty thanks and congratulations to the volunteers who developed the AMSC roadmap, and we are confident it will continue to guide standardisation activity for the additive manufacturing sector. ANSI has a long history of successfully bringing together public and private sector stakeholders to outline standardisation needs for emerging technologies and national and global priorities.”