3ntr Introduces Sequoia, the Large-Format Hot Chamber 3D Printer for Unprecedented Dimensional Freedom

Sequoia 3ntr

3ntr is an Italian company well-known for 3D printing solutions in industrial applications. The company has just unveiled Sequoia, its latest machine. This machine is the first from the V5 Series. Sequoia was first announced at Mecspe 2022 earlier in the year. It is distinguished not only by its large-format 3D printing capabilities but also because it has perfect print temperatures to extrude technopolymers such as TPU, carbon fibre and materials that are filled or certified for external human contact. Users will now have access to simple and complex polymers as well as technopolymers. This is for both large-scale monolithic production or mass printing of identical parts.

This additive machine was developed using years of 3ntr innovation. This company is a shining example of Italian additive manufacturing excellence. It has been working in the 3D printing sector for over 10 years. Already, the company has many reliable and high-quality FFF solutions. It also has its own software, materials and an ever-growing array of applications. Sequoia is the result of all of this vast experience. It includes some of the most popular features from its predecessors, like 24/7 operation, as well as new and exciting characteristics.

Sequoia has one of the largest industrial FDM3D Printers (photo credit to 3ntr).

Commenting on the Sequoia 3D Printer, 3ntr CEO Davide Ardizzoia, stated, “Let’s remember that 3D printing is no longer just a prototyping technology, today additive manufacturing is increasingly used in production processes, not only to cut time and costs but above all to optimize consumption and ensure increasingly environmentally friendly products. We at 3ntr choose to contribute to the revolution through a Thinking Additive approach, which allows us to accompany companies towards an uncompromising additive and design revolution, together with our best historical technologies and interesting novelties: 3D printers capable of supporting all phases of the production cycle, from prototyping to engineering, from pre-assembly to the production of the final operative part, from now on also in extra large format”.

Sequoia: What can you expect?

Sequoia’s biggest attraction is undoubtedly its simplicity. It is truly a large format machine with a build volume of 1200 x 1100 x 900 mm, meaning over 1 square meter of print area: the largest of all 3ntr’s printers and one of the largest on the market. It allows users to produce large monolithic and smaller parts with one machine, and in one workflow. You can skip additional steps like assembly or waiting. But the main selling point is that, even in large format, users can expect the same high quality, reliability and versatility of all 3ntr’s additive solutions.

But this isn’t all. A hot chamber is available for printing different polymers. The company points out that thanks to a hot chamber that reaches 200°C, with rapid heating and low consumption, and a removable heated tray, the printer is compatible with both standard and technical polymers. Users can either print one polymer or a co-printing method that allows multiple materials to printed. This includes those with different aesthetics and mechanical characteristics.

Caption: Sequoia next other solutions from 3ntr. (photo credit: 3ntr).

The printer also has interesting features that can be used for industrial 3D printing. The printer is easy to use thanks to its automatic z-calibration and platter leveling. The printer is equipped with brushless motorization with micrometric precision and belt-less. The finishing touch is provided by the 19.5″ touchscreen and 500 Gb of memory.

Together, these features serve to fulfill 3ntr’s promise to give users maximum freedom of control. This 3D printer boasts a level of dimension freedom unlike any other in the AM industry. You can learn more about 3ntr’s Sequoia 3D printer HERE.

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*Cover Photo Credits: 3ntr